Bagsidetekst |
Over the past 60 years. John Of God has become rhe most
famous spiritual healer in the world. John Of declares•
"l do not heal. God heals."
This book. John Of God and the Casa Of Love. is al_K'ut
-love and light and healing." It takes a first-hand look at
What happens When people travel to Brazil and to the Casa.
Kathleen was once Miss Colorado and participated in
the Miss Arnerica Pageant. Kathleen traveled to the Casa
because she was dealing with stage•4 breast cancer. Myriam
is from Guatemala and she was shot six times during their
civil war. There is a doctor from Brazil who had died. All Of'
them experienced the miraculous.
John God and the Casa Of Love tens these and other stories
about the kinds Of experiences people have when they travel
to John Of God. This book also looks into the question Of why
people get healed and others do not? 'l'he stories are
heartwarming and inspirational. demonstrating our closeness
With God and with the spiritual universe Of which we are all
a part.