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New Age
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Who is Saint-Gennain ? Kuan ? Which archangel or ascended do
I im Okefor a specific problem ? Can I work with goddess energies along with the angels?
are the tyEx•s of questions that Doreen Virtue is regularly asked by her readers and
workshop attendees. so, finding no comprehensive book that listed New Age and Old Age
deities. Doreen knew that she needed to write one herself,
A n4amgeLs and Ascended 'Waste'S is a thotulghly re:æalthed in a lively
format, listing 77 divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian. Tibetan.
Buddhist. Celtic, 'lheosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots.
Doreen carefully studied and wrote about the history of each Of deities. What role they
tcxlay. how tl-ey can help us with life pmblems, and how to call ulX'n each one.
Doreen spent time in communication with each divinity to ensure that the being was
reachable, and to discover the essence Of his or her personality and current dealings With
the world—and within these pages, she includes a channeled message Or impression from
each ofthe ascended masters and archangels. Many Of her channelings were conducted at
power points throughout the such Stonehenge in England; the Irish coast: Kona.
Hawaii; and the New &aland rain forest.
A comprehensive Chan lists a number Of life situations such as Addictions, finding a
Soulmate, Emergency Money. Healing Physical Illness, and various personal and family
concerns. Beneath each topic is a list of whom to call upon When dealing With that partic-
ular challenge. Doreen also includes prayeß to help you call upon multiple divinities for
issues such as "increased clairwyance" and conflict."
This is a fascinating. user-friendly book Ihar you •.11 want to refer ro again and again:'
Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., is a clairvoyant doctor
gy and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works With the
angelic, elemental, and ascended master realms in her writings and
workshops: Doreen has lectured extensively throughout the world
on topics related to her books. and she has appeared on many nation-
al and local television programs including Oprah. CNN, Goad
Morning America, The Beyond with James Van Praagh. and
many more. She's the author Of the bestselling Healing with the
Angels and Messagesfrom Your Angels Ix»ks/angel cards. Doreen's
Website is: wwwAngeITherapy.eon"L
Please visit the Hay HouseÅVebsite at:,
or 431-7695 8M)) 654-5126 fora free catalo/
or infonnatiön about the Foundation.
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