Bagsidetekst |
oney is not your business, truth is your
business. The story 'I need more money' is
what keeps you from realizing your wealth. Whenever
you think that your needs are not being met, you're
telling the story of a future. You're supposed to have
exactly as much money as you have right now. This is
not a theory: this is reality. How much money do you
have? That's it, you're supposed to have exactly that
amount. If you don't believe it, look at your check-
book. How do you know when you're supposed to
have more? When you do. How do you know when
you're supposed to have less? When you do. This
is true abundance. It leaves you without a care in
the world."
the workoC
byron katie
— Byron Katie
ISBN 1-890246-80-8