Bagsidetekst |
Knowing ignorance is strength.
knowledge is sickness.
Lao Tse
Tao, meaning •The Way', refers to a power that
envelops. surrounds and flows throügh all things, both
living and sentient. It regulates natural processes and
nourishes balance in the Universe. But, in the words
of the Sage, its 'Name is Formless'. This means that any
exploration of it starts from a position of ignorance,
and any journey we undertake to reach an
understanding of it is of necessity entirely personal.
No two paths will be identical.
In this compelling introduction, Pamela Ball
enables us to find a Way through the myriad
complexities of this ancient and yet distinctly modern
belief system, and offers clearly defined pathways to
further study and enlightenment. By unravelling its
mysteries she shows us how to achieve balance and
establish principles for living life effectively, now and in
the years to come.
ISBN 0-7858-1861-8