Bagsidetekst |
is one of the first to addressihe relatiönship tx•tween
ply osophyand roinanticism. an area which is currently undergoing revival,
collection of specially yitten arriclesby world•class philosophers renews the gadition of
romanticism' by exploring and enlarging its contribution to 'Opics
'freedom, autonomy and subjectivity; the normativity of the new; philosophy's relation
own rime:
While are to found in Kant, Geri-tian romanticism•and German
development of romanticismean be traced through to North American philås+éby in' the er.j, :
of Thoreau. EmersOn and Dewey, and upto the cyrrenrsvork ofStanley Tayloö
and Richard Rorry: The •articles in this collection suggestxhag philosopi»ealnirriailticisrrs
comJx•lling alternative 10 both the reductionisv rerxlénciesjio$ ismdominaring,
current —analytic" philosophy, and the , 9
• Thisoutståndingeolleetionwill be philosophy,
•nineteenth• and twentieth-century thought,
Contributors: Frederick Beiger, J. M. Bernstein, All*rt StanieyCÄvQII: Hilbert
Dieyfus, Richard Eldridgc,Jane Kneller, [hid Kolb, NikolSs KömpridisÅJefMalßas,
RoErrt Pippin, Fred Rush, Marcin Seel, Charles
is currently Assistant of philosophy at*York Univer$ty, and
Nikolas is
O f and Past
Cover Dog, 1820—23 (oil Goya y
EtamiSCO (17•4Cvl Prado. Madrid,