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From the Preface:
It is time a book on business marketing has value as its cornerstone;
Assessment of value in the marketplace is critical to business market'ÄS
management. We demonstrate how firms in business markets can gain
a cnmprehensive and an elemental understanding of the worth in monetary
terms of the technical, ecmomic, service, and social benefits that their
market offerings provide to present and prospective customers.
Having superior knowledge of customer requirements and preferences,
and what it is worth to fulfili them, should underpin everything the firm does.
Our book recounts how a small but growing number of firms in business
markets have achieved this knowledge and what superior. marketplage
performance has resulted from that knovy(edgéi4
Prentice Hall
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
ISBN 0-13-522657-0
90 0
9 7k 135 22657