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•Our thoughts and intentions help shape the world
out there; choice and are back. Lynne McTaggart's
The Intention Experiment shows Why."
—Larry l_hsey, MI), author of
The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things
he book you hold in your hands is revolutionary, a groundbreaking exploration
of thc science Of Drawing on the findings of leading from
around thc The Intention Experiment demonstrates that is
rhing that HFcVts orhcr Things. It is also the first bCK'k [o invite you, thc reader, to take an
active part in its original research,
In The Intention Experiment, internationally bestselling author Lynne McTaggart
takes you on a gripping, mind-blowing journey to the furthest reaches of consciousness.
AS Shc narrates the exciting in the science Of intention, She also profiles
thc colorful scientists and renowned pioneers who study the effects of focused group
intention on scientifically quantifiable targets—animal , plant, and human.
McTaggart offers a practical program 10 get in touch with your Own thoughts, to
irwrcasc thc activity and strength of your intentions, and to begin achieving real change
in your life. You are then invited to participate in an unprecedented experiment: Using
Thc Intention Experiment Web site [O coordinate your involvement and track results, you
and other participants around thc world will focus your Of intention on specific
targets, giving you the Opportunity 10 become a part of scientific history.
The Intenrion Experiment forces you to rethink what it is to be human. It proves that
we're connected to everyone and cwerything, discovery that demands we pay better
attention to Our thoughts, intentions, and actions. Here's how you can.
Visit www.thcintentione xp erimen LCO m
b, Elis
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