Bagsidetekst |
Integral Chrlstlanltu
The Splrlt•s call to evolve
R. Smith
N OF ALL RELIGIONS into deeper, wider, and hi
dimensions is c
I to the evolution of human spirituality and con
ness. In this book,
Smith presents just such ari inviting and
pathway for the Christian
ion that is faithful to a Jesus-ce
of biblical interpretation and
the e
e d of integr
The perspectives of integral theory and practice articulated by Ken Wilber
help uncover the integral approach that Jesus advocated and demonstrated
in the metaphors of his time—and that traditional Christianity has largel
n unable to see.
ith incorporates elements of traditional, modern. and postmod
theo I viewpoints, including progressive, New Thought, and emer /
merge es. However, he goes beyond them and moves to a Chr'
t is devot
following both the historical Jesus and the Ri
rist whose Sp
kons to us from the future.
Smith reminds us,
st thing you can sa
od is that God
is ays doing something new.
religion to newness by
incl ding the best of its past, and transcending the worst of its present. He
calls to do the same, whatever our religion is today. Jesus continues to be
for all spiritual paths in their task of keeping up with the Spirit's
a prot
evolutio impulse to welcome the next transcendent stage."
PAUL R. SMITH, convinced that there is always more, has been
loring the frontiers ofthe Christian faith while working in vario
positions since he was eighteen. During his nearly
c ry adership at Broadway Church in Kansas Ci
thc reh
d from a traditional Sot
1st church
to th ntegralm e
mith, author of Is It
Okay to God Mother? Considering the Feminine Face of God, has
evolving Christian path at seminaries and churches
ISBN 978-1-55778-800-9
781557 '88009