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The need to succeed is in your genes
The way to succeed is in this book
We all want some. And it•s never
been more accessible to us than it is
today. You want it? You can have it.
And here•s the 'how•.
There is no guaranteed formulaic •one-size-fits-aU• answer. After
all. success means different things to differentpeopte. so there
couldn•t be.
The good news is that there is a set Of tips, ide" and 'try this'
options from Which your winning formula Will kome. And that enticinøj
menu is what•s in this book.
This book is about increasing your chance Of succeeding. It's about
reducing the time it takes you to realise your talents.
Irs about heightening the buzz you get at Work.
lt•s about getting promoted.
It's about having more fum
It•s about building your own store Of skilts with which to create
It•s about earning more money.
It's about sett discovery.
It•s about winning.
It•s about being as great as you can Be.
Success. You know you want it. You feel you deserve it. You think you
have it in you- Here•s how to make it yours_
on the web
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