Bagsidetekst |
Edited by
Matti Sillanpåä, Lennart Gram,
Svein l. Johannessen and Torbjörn Tomson
This imponant volume addresses clinically challenging area
Of epilepsy in rnentally retarded patients. While epuepsy and
hteuectual disability are frequently comorbid leach may precipitate
træ Other and both can be a consequetu:e Of brain damage). their
elucidation Can complex; there is a high risk Of mis&agnosis due
to the in mentally retarded patients Of paroxysmal
pher•ornena which resernble epileptic seizures. and the presentation
Of psychiatric problems Can obsCure genuine symptoms OI
ep"epsy. Treatment. is problematic with a tetW2ncy towards
plytherapy With increased risk Of undesirable side-effects Which
are less easily discovered and poorty tolerated in mental'y
retar&d patients.
Such patients ruve in the past usually been institutionalized but
are now more Otten in ambulatory or primarycare. There thus, a
greater than ever need to recognise the particular difficulties involved
This bmk darifies the interrelationships between mental retardation.
intelbctual deterioration and epilepsy, and delivers practical solutions
to the problems assxiated with accurate diagnosis. treatment and
long•term management Of epilepsy in patients with intellectual
Petersrield. UX and PA.
Videnseenter om Epilepsi
ISBN 1 8718164' 6
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Formentlig dansk, se billeder |