Bagsidetekst |
have witnessed toxic triangle tear apart friends, but never had the name for it
before reading this book. Susan Nolcn•Hoeksema offers young women likc myself
new ways to understand their pain in clear, unpatronizing language. Most impor-
tant, her book describes pragmatic tools to heal. As I was reading, I kept thinking Of
additional friends who would benefit from her wise and tested perspective,"
the forthcoming Perfect Girls, Starving Daugitets
"A biilliant and eminently practical book that brings the best current research to
bear on helpingwcnnen get untangled from overly reflective thinking and the prob•
lems with eating, drinking and depression that go with it. By identifying 'the
triangle' connccting these disorders and discussing waysto address their root
causes, Dr. Susan Nolen•Hoeksema hélps those sumer tap into awellspång Of
positiveenergy and ultimatelyx•ure those disordcrs whose common roots are too
ofien overlookcdby practitioners and patients alike."
—WILLIAM S. POLLACK, PH.O.. authorof
Real Boys and Real Boys'