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Florence McClain•s transpersonal approach to past life recall is both
practical and spiritual. A Practical Guide to Life Regression offers
instructions for recalling What may be past lite memories. Equaliy
important. it presents them in a framework that psychologically sound.
McClain's viewpoint is always focused on the here-and•now usefulness
for persorui growth Of whatever you may learn about your past lives. She
offers some interesting comments along the Way about theorigin Of souls
and the time interval between lives.
—John W. White
Author Of A Practical Guide to Death and Dying, and
What is Enlightenmenn
area in whiCh the facts are not always safe from the incursions offiction, or,
at the very least, self-delusion.A Practical Guide to Past Life Regression is
the next best thing to professionally administered hypnotk; regression,
and a no-nonsenæ way Of learning about this vitaliy important subB:t.
—Dr. Hans Holzer
Author Of numerous books On paranormal research
Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, past life regression remains a
powerful and valid tool for self-expbration. Information procured through
this procedure can be invaluable for personal growth and inner healing, no
matter What its source. Florence McClain's guidebook is an eminently
sane and capable guide for those who wish to explore their possible past
lives or conduct regressions themselves. Her no-nonsense,
approach to this much misunderstood phenomenon is refreshing, enter-
taining, and educational. It is a worthwhile addition to the growing litera-
ture on self-help techniques, and it will be Of great service to those who
wish to explore reincarnation question in
ISBN o-nsqe-no-o
—D. scott Rogo
Author Of the Search for Yeserday
$7.95 U.S.A.
$10.95 CAN.
Llewellyn Publications
St. Paul. MN 55164.0383
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